This episode, Chris and Jon start a series of shows devoted to everyone’s favorite usability heuristics! If you never heard of these before, or if you heard of them and forgot about them, have a listen and refresh your brain! These principles in interaction design are critical to helping make your product successful. Later in the show, we talk about how different apps utilize these principles and whether or not they did them well.

The principles we are discussing:

10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design by Jakob Nielson

The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman

Google Analytics In Real Life


You can find Part 2 right here.


The apps are:

Jawbone Up

Chris was less enthusiastic about this app as the poor onboarding (as of this post) made it really difficult to figure out what the app does. Needless to say, they didn’t apply Nielsen’s heuristics very well.

Breeze by FitnessKeeper

As we were running out of time, Chris didn’t get too much of a chance to talk about this app. But it’s worth looking at simply because the language they use in the app matches the real world really well. The language is informal (not necessarily casual) but effective, and even works in concepts from the last show on playfulness!



As always, we want to hear from you so leave your comments below! You can also reach us on Twitter:

Chris: @machinehuman

Jon: @DesignUXUI

So let us know what you think!






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